2024 MLFP Scholarship Winners
In 2024, The MLFP diversity scholarship was open to students in academic good standing enrolled in their second year of the Master of Legal and Forensic Psychology Program and covered the students' tuition for spring quarter 2024. Applicants were either a member of a historically underrepresented group in higher education (African American, American Indian/Alaskan Native, Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander, or Hispanic-American), a first-generation college student, and/or had a history of overcoming a significant disadvantage. Three awards were given for spring 2024.

Carly Kajiwara
Carly graduated from UC Berkeley in 2021, with a B.A. in Psychology and a minor in Creative Writing. She was born and raised in Moanalua, Oʻahu, and as a Native Hawaiian, Carly recognizes that it is her kuleana, or responsibility, to use what she has learned to help her community. Carly currently works as the Director of Educational Trainings at Stanford University’s REACH Lab. In this role, Carly conducts research on adolescent decision-making and translates findings into effective curriculum and programs for students. After graduating with her Master’s Degree in Legal and Forensic Psychology, Carly hopes to continue her work with diverse communities, particularly with Native Hawaiian youth. Carly’s long-term goal is to become a trustee of the Bernice Pauahi Bishop Estate, which is an influential institution that stewards many resources for Native Hawaiian youth and the community. To be a trustee, a qualified candidate must possess interdisciplinary knowledge of the law, psychology and education, and Carly feels that the foundation her graduate degree and professional experience provides will help her achieve this goal.

Carolyn Taylor
Carolyn is a first-generation college student, graduating with honors in 2019 from the University of California, Santa Cruz with a B.A. in Cognitive Science. After completing her enlistment in the Army and her undergraduate education, Carolyn began working as a Behavioral Research Scientist with Peraton, who is contracted to work with the United States Department of Defense. Carolyn works in Peraton’s Personnel Security Research Center (PERSEREC), where she primarily conducts research focused on personnel security, Department of Defense (DoD) civilians, and military populations. Their research varies widely at the center, however some of Carolyn’s research involves insider threats, workplace violence, domestic extremism, compatibility assessments, financial thresholds, and accession policies. Carolyn’s current research focuses on suicide prevention and sexual assault in the military and DoD, areas where she is extremely motivated in helping progress policies and increase awareness. After graduating with her Master’s Degree in Legal and Forensic Psychology, Carolyn will continue progressing at her agency, and her long-term goal is to use her professional and educational experience to transition into a more investigative role with federal law enforcement.

Nancy Jimenez
Nancy is a first-generation college student, graduating in 2015 (cum laude) from University of California, Irvine, with her B.A. in Psychology. In 2016, Nancy began working at the non-profit organization, Children’s Home Society of California (CHS), which is funded by the California Department of Social Services. CHS provides subsidized childcare services for low-income families, and Nancy has been able to help children and families within her community through her work. Through the MLFP program, Nancy has developed an interest in public policy and the role that research and scientific evidence plays in the development of sound policies that positively impact children and families. After graduating with her Master’s Degree in Legal and Forensic Psychology, Nancy would like to continue helping the community by being employed by the Orange County Intelligence Assessment Center, a local government agency that assesses criminal risk and safety threats to the community and other local agencies. Nancy also would like to participate in the College Bound Alumni program through the Boys and Girls Club.
2023 MLFP Scholarship Winners
- Akaysia Hill
- Cristian Godinez
- Michelle Sacks
2022 MLFP Scholarship Winners
- Amanda Boehrer
- Sienna King
- Sydney Zuiker
2021 MLFP Scholarship Winners
- Yuliya Iskendzerava
- Edna Montes
- Andrea Morales-Casasola
2020 MLFP Scholarship Winners
- Serenity Cripps
- Clara Ramirez
- Cornise Seawood
2019 MLFP Scholarship Winners
- Joi Goynes
- Iris Mejia-Cobian
- Joshua Phillips
- Amanda Wagner