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Potential Career Paths

Students in the MLFP program will be immersed in an interdisciplinary field devoted to advancing scholarship, testing theories, and engaging in public service relevant to individuals’ participation and experiences in legal contexts. The goal of this degree program is to prepare practitioners for career advancement in legal and related fields. Legal and Forensic Psychology is a well-recognized field of inquiry in both the social sciences and the law with its own professional societies (e,g., The American Psychology-Law Society -- Division 41 of the American Psychological Association, American Academy of Forensic Psychology), degree programs, and journals. 
Graduates from the program will be well-prepared for careers in a range of fields that benefit from an understanding of forensic psychology, including (but not limited to):
  • court liaisons
  • intelligence analysts
  • court managers/analysts
  • research analysts
  • policy analysts
  • victims’ advocates
  • law enforcement (local, state, and federal)
  • case managers
  • program directors
  • jury consultants

Graduates will be qualified to secure employment in a wide range of settings, including:

  • community-based agencies
  • court system
  • mental health centers
  • social services agencies
  • psychiatric facilities
  • jury consulting agencies
  • law enforcement agencies/correctional institutions

Alumni will be well-suited to advance in a range of related fields such that they ultimately become leaders in fields related to law and psychology.